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Picture of Camelbak HAWG Pro 20 Hydration Pack 20L With 3L Reservoir Black

Camelbak HAWG Pro 20 Hydration Pack 20L With 3L Reservoir Black - £165.00

The Camelbak HAWG Pro 20 Hydration Pack has been engineered with the all-new Air Support™ Pro Back Panel and a 3D Vent Mesh Harness, the next generation H.A.W.G. keeps you on track for long days and epic rides. It features a specific pocket for an e-bike battery, refined external organisation, and each Pro pack is compatible with the Impact Protector™. Carry what you need, anytime you need it.Camelbak HAWG Pro 20 Hydration Pack FeaturesAIR SUPPORT™ PRO BACK PANEL WITH BODY MAPPING TECHNOLOGYBREATHABLE 3D VENT MESH HARNESSHIP BELT WITH CARGOHELMET CARRYBIKE TOOL ORGANISER ROLL INCLUDED

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