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Picture of Transition PBJ Frame Set 2023 Matte Grey

Transition PBJ Frame Set 2023 Matte Grey - £699.95

The Transition PBJ Frame Set is one of the longest standing models in the lineup, and for good reason. Unique geometry developed by Transitions very own Lars n' Bars creates a bike that mountain bikers will immediately feel at home on. Designed with relaxed geometry that is stable at higher speeds and big jumps, yet fun and nimble enough for the tightest of pump tracks. The PBJ will simply make you a better mountain biker and help you take your pumping, bumping and jumping skills to the next level. The X-long PBJ has a longer reach as well as a longer chainstay. This size isn't just for tall riders, it's also great for people looking to have a pumptrack/dirt jump bike that fits similar to their trail bike. For days when you go from the mountain straight to the neighborhood pump track, you can seamlessly transition from bike to bike without any adjustment time.Transition PBJ Frame Set Highlights100mm Front TravelChromoly FrameSizes: Short, Long and Extra Long

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