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Yeti SB 140 T-Series T3 Lunch Ride 29er Mountain Bike 2024 Turquoise - £8999.00
Meet the Yeti SB 140 T-Series T3 Lunch Ride Mountain Bike, the bike inbetween nothing. Leaving no rider wanting. Master of the climb, the bomb, the rail and the air. The utterley unequivocal. The rule crusher. The trend buster. No rig can rule all, but this one can absolutely rule. The mountain bike.Yeti SB 140 T-Series T3 Lunch Ride Mountain BikeNEW THREADED BOTTOM BRACKETNEW HIGH-CLEARANCE DOWNTUBENEW DUAL -DENSITY DOWNTUBE PROTECTIONUNIVERSAL DERAILLEUR HANGER (UDH)SECURE, FULLY ENCLOSED INTERNAL CABLE MANAGEMENTCOMPATIBLE WITH LONG DROPPER POSTS100% STANDARD SEALED ENDURO MAX BEARINGSFLOATING COLLET AXLE PIVOT DESIGNCOMPACT-WISHBONE SHOCK EXTENDERBOOST SPACINGSIZES S -XXL
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